Contact Us

Contact Us

We encourage you to call our office with any questions you may have regarding your scheduled procedure. Please remember the doctors have many patients, both in the hospital and as outpatients, and each call cannot be personally answered by the physician. Our staff is trained to answer most of your questions, and they will relay all information to the doctor. Your call will be returned by the nurse or assistant at the earliest opportunity after reviewing the case with the physician.


In order to best serve all of our patients, we recommend you phone in advance for an appointment. Our center’s office number is (239) 435-9330.

We will make every effort to honor all time commitments and ask that you do the same. Occasionally, the doctor is called away for emergencies in which his subspecialty skills are required. Whenever possible, you will be fully informed of such an occurrence. Physicians’ Assistants are available as well to assist in your care.


All prescriptions and authorizations for renewals should be requested during normal office hours.


In the event of an emergency call 911. If you have an urgent question and need a doctor after hours please call the office at (239) 649-1186. The answering service will contact the on-call physician and your call will be returned as soon as possible.


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