1084 Goodlette-Frank Road, Naples, FL 34102
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About Your Procedure
About Your Procedure
Click on the Frequently Asked Questions below to learn about your procedure.
The questions below may help you for before, during, and after your procedure.
Before Procedure
What to expect before your day of procedure.
What tests are required prior to my procedure?
Will I be contacted prior to my procedure by the facility?
What should I bring?
Should I arrange a ride to the facility?
What may I eat and drink before procedure?
Should I take my routine medications on the day of procedure?
What if I think I might be pregnant?
Day of Procedure
What will happen when I first arrive at the facility?
What should I wear?
What should I do with my clothes and additional belongings?
What happens after I check-in?
Will I see my physician prior to procedure?
How long can my family stay with me prior to my procedure?
When should I arrive?
Can I smoke?
Are there different kinds of sedation or anesthesia?
May I request the type of anesthesia I will receive?
Will I receive any sedatives before procedure?
What are the risks of anesthesia?
Will I be billed separately by the anesthesia provider?
Why must I refrain from eating and/or drinking prior to procedure?
After Procedure
What if I am not feeling well once I get home?
What can I eat when I get home?
May I drive home?
Should I continue my usual medications after procedure?
How long will I stay after my procedure?